I wanted to share with all of my mom-to-be's, a product that literally helped me sleep at night. It's called The Respisense. For anyone who has had a newborn you know the terror that comes with thinking that your baby could just stop breathing in the middle of the night. It's a fear that will wake you up from a dead sleep. You find yourself running into the nursery every hour or so just to feel his/her chest and make sure they are fine. Well, I found this product online when Catie was about 2 months old. She, like many babies, absolutely would not sleep on her back. She would just wiggle around and cry constantly. So, I decided to try to find something that would help alert me if anything were to go wrong while she slept on her tummy. That's when I came upon this little device. You just clip the monitor onto the babies diaper or shirt, and if there is no breathing movements for 20 seconds it sounds a little alarm. Yes, it did fall off once or twice and scared the crap out of me, but 2 false alarms was definitely better than what could have been. It's only available in the US through a website called
StorkRadio.com, and they run about $130 each. But, they have a 2 year guarantee, and if there is anything wrong with it they will send you a new one. It may seem a little expensive, but when you can actually sleep through the night with peace of mind, that is priceless!
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