Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Ok, so most of you know that I love to sew! It is so much fun for me to find a great new pattern and spend the day working to create something from nothing. Well, this year as I was flipping through my new Swim 2010 Victoria's Secret catalogue(you know the one, we all get it, and then quickly start starving ourselves) I decided that this year, rather than spend 1-200 dollars on new swimwear, I am going to find a great pattern and MAKE ONE!!! I quickly found out that the swimwear patterns out there are far from cute! So then, I decided to check out one of my favorite vintage pattern webshops. aaaaannnndd.........I found two!!!
I am super excited to try my hand at these patterns. I am so happy that fashions are so versatile that we can now wear almost any style from any decade! These are both very simple and cute. I really love the halter top of one pattern, and the bottoms and open back cover-up of the other pattern. That's the great thing about making stuff yourself, you can customize it any way you want! I am thinking of using either the green or yellow hounds tooth fabric as the suit and one of the two floral designs as the cover-up fabric...I am so excited to try this out!


  1. Hi! I've read your blog before, but not sure if i have commented.

    Your suit should turn out really cute. I LOVE houndstooth!! Good Luck!
